UDPCastFE v0.18

UDPCastFE v0.18 - Released 28/10/2010

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UDPcast Sender Frontend Changelog

27/10/2010: v0.18 -Added ability to multicast folders (compress, multicast, uncompress) using zip compression. -Folder multicasting still uses ‘-f’ or ‘–file’ from the command line.

26/04/2010: v0.17 -Added ‘-f’ argument to enable a file to be specified on launch. -Code cleanup.

21/04/2010: v0.16 -Embedded Help and Changelog into the executable.

19/04/2010: v0.15 -Added Proper interface selection to be passed to udpcast. -Added ‘Clear Settings’ option.

13/04/2010: v0.14 -Added event control to stop accidental exit when clients are connected.

12/04/2010: v0.13.1 -Changed the form layout to make navigation easier.

07/04/2010: v0.13 -Improved client disconnect logic and collection of dead sockets.

07/04/2010: v0.12 -Improved error detection and logging.

06/04/2010: v0.11 -Added persistent user settings for ‘Full Duplex’, ‘Auto Start’ and ‘Use Second Interface’. -Added this Changelog + Help.

06/04/2010: v0.1 -First working version.

UDPcast Reciever Frontend Changelog

27/10/2010: v0.18 -Fixes to File/Directory handling changes introduced in 0.17. -Added ability to multicast folders (compress, multicast, uncompress) using zip compression.

26/04/2010: v0.17 -Fixes to command line argument handling. -File/Directory handling changes.

21/04/2010: v0.16 -Embedded Help and Changelog into the executable.

19/04/2010: v0.15 -Added Proper interface selection to be passed to udpcast. -Added ‘Clear Settings’ option.

13/04/2010: v0.14 -Added event control to stop accidental exit when connected to the server.

12/04/2010: v0.13.1 -Changed the form layout to make navigation easier.

07/04/2010: v0.13 -Improved disconnect logic and socket disposal. -Improved error detection and logging.

07/04/2010: v0.12 -Trailing slash is now removed if inserted by the user.

06/04/2010: v0.11 -Added persistent user settings for ‘Server IP’, ‘Port’ and ‘Transfer Destination’. -Added this Changelog + Help.

06/04/2010: v0.1 -First working version.